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 If you feel you need immediate mental well-being help, whether you’re feeling angry, fearful, depressed, discouraged or just have a question, you can always turn to the Scriptures. Below is just a partial list of issues and where you can find support and comfort in the Scriptures:

When in sorrow - Call John 14
When men fail you - Call Psalm 25
If you want to be fruitful - Call John 15
When you have sinned - Call Psalm 51
When worried – Luke 12:22-31
When you are in danger - Call Psalm 91
When YAHWEH seems far away - Call Psalm 139
When your faith needs stirring - Call Hebrews 11
When you are lonely and fearful - Call Psalm 23
When you grow bitter and critical - Call I Corinthians 13
When you feel down and out - Call Romans 8:31
When you want peace and rest - Call Matthew 11:25-30
When the world seems bigger than YAHWEH - Call Psalm 90
When you want scriptural assurance - Call Psalms 26, Romans 8:1-30
When you leave home for labor or travel - Call Psalm 121
When your prayers grow narrow or selfish - Call Psalm 66
When you want courage for a task - Call Joshua 1
For how to get along with fellow men - Call Romans 12
If you are depressed - Call Psalm 27
If your pocketbook is empty - Call Psalm 37
If you’re feeling unloved - Call 1 Corinthians 13
If people seem unkind - Call John 15
If discourage about your work - Call Psalm 126


For dealing with fear - Call Psalm 27:1-3; Proverbs 18:10
For security - Call Psalm 121:3
For assurance – Call Amos 5:14; 2 Corinthians 13:11
For reassurance - Call Psalm 145:18

Emergency numbers may be dialed direct.
 No operator assistance is necessary.
 All lines are open to your Heavenly Father YAHWEH, through His Son Yahushua, 24 hours a day!